Himalayan Gorkha Security Services Nepat (HGSS) is estabLished by the efforts of distinguished, wetl experienced and motivated team of security personnel and a group of dynamic entrepreneurs for the contribution in various security as wetl as customer services. The company is registered under “The Company’s Act of Nepal. (2063 BS).’
The company brings a new dimension in Nepalese private security sector with a ptan to integrate technotogical. advancement in private security systems. This company has been working in al.t the provinces of Nepal.. The company stands with the strong motto “Mission First, Safety A[ways”.
Himalayan Gorkha Service Support Nepat (HGSS) company with the slogan “Trustworthy Hetping Hand” is a sister organization of Himatayan Gorkha Securrty Services Nepat. lt aims at providing varieties of quaLity services to the customers. Apart from these, another associating institute, Himalayan Gorkha Training Center (HGTC) aff il.iated with the council for Technica[ Education and VocationaI Training (CTEVT), produces weLL trained and skilled personnel. lt comes with the slogan “Training with Excillence”.